ГДЗ до підручника з англійської мови 5 клас А.М. Несвіт 2005 рік
Готові домашні роботи і завдання з англійської мови для 5 класу
Рішення та відповіді до підручника(робочого, комплексного зошита, збірника, ДПА) з англійської мови для 5 класу
Обери відповідь до вправи
- Introduction
- Unit 1. School Life
- Lesson 1. We Are at School!
- Lesson 2. Around Our School
- Lesson 3. We Are in the Fifth Form!
- Lesson 4. My Timetable
- Lesson 5. My First Day at School
- Lesson 6. A Letter from England
- Lesson 7. Daily Life
- Lesson 8. It’s Lunch Time!
- Lesson 9. After Classe
- Lesson 10. An Ideal School
- Lesson 11. Today Was a Terrible Day!
- Lesson 12. Grammar Revision
- Unit 2. My Family and Friends
- Lesson 1. About Myself
- Lesson 2. A Good Life Is for You
- Lesson 3. How Do They Look Like?
- Lesson 4. My School Friends
- Lesson 5. My New Friends
- Lesson 6. The Way to Have a Friend
- Lesson 7. People in the Family
- Lesson 8. A Family at Home
- Lesson 9. My Sisters and Brothers
- Lesson 10. My Grandparents
- Lesson 11. Grammar Revision
- Unit 3. My Home
- Lesson 1. The Flat We Will Live In
- Lesson 2. We Need New Furniture
- Lesson 3. Household Chores
- Lesson 4. It’s Teatime!
- Lesson 5. Enjoy Your Meal!
- Lesson 6. Traditional Food
- Lesson 7. What Do I Have to Do?
- Lesson 8. Lots of Work to Do!
- Lesson 9. What Can I Do for You?
- Lesson 10. What Were You Doing Yesterday?
- Lessons 11-12. Grammar Revision
- Unit 4. Let’s Have a Rest!
- Unit 5. Health and Body Car
- Unit 6. Travelling
- Unit 7. Discover Britain
- Unit 8. Ukraine Is Our Motherland
- Lesson 1. We Live in Ukraine
- Lesson 2. The National Symbols of Ukraine
- Lesson 3. Ukraine Is a European Country
- Lesson 4. Up the Mountain
- Lesson 5. I Have Been There!
- Lesson 6. Nature in Ukraine
- Lesson 7. Kyiv, the Capital of Ukraine
- Lesson 8. A Trip Around Kyiv
- Lesson 9. Ukrainian Traditions
- Lesson 10. Grammar Revision