Презентація на тему «Thomas Jefferson» (варіант 1)


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Thomas Jefferson
Презентація на тему «Thomas Jefferson» (варіант 1) - Слайд #1

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Thomas Jefferson - Biography
Thomas Jefferson was born April 13, 1743 on a plantation in Shadwell, Virginia. 
 He attended boarding school and then enrolled at William and Mary College, where he studied math, science, literature, philosophy, and law.
In April 1767, he became a lawyer and was admitted to the Virginia bar.
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In 1775 and 1776, he was appointed to the Continental Congresses, the later of which selected him to write the Declaration of Independence.
Jefferson also served in the Virginia House of Delegates, and he was Virginia's governor during the Revolutionary War. After the war, he went to Paris as America's minister to France. 
Upon Jefferson's return from France, he served as President Washington's secretary of state until 1793. 
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He lost the 1796 presidential election to John Adams, but became Adams's vice-president.
He ran again in 1800 and served two terms as America's third president
At the end of his presidency in 1808, Jefferson returned to Monticello, his Virginia plantation. He worked as a scientist, inventor, linguist, and architect, and established the University of Virginia. 
Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, exactly fifty years after the Declaration of Independence was signed
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Thomas Jefferson - Writings
A Summary View of the Rights of British America (1774)
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms (1775)
Memorandums taken on a journey from Paris into the southern parts of France and Northern Italy, in the year 1787
Notes on the State of Virginia (1781)
Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States A report submitted to Congress (1790)
Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States (1801)
Autobiography (1821)
Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth
Презентація на тему «Thomas Jefferson» (варіант 1) - Слайд #5

Слайд #6

Things you didn't know about Thomas Jefferson
Презентація на тему «Thomas Jefferson» (варіант 1) - Слайд #6

Слайд #7

Interesting facts
He was a great grandfather
He had 12 grandchildren, and many of them lived with him at the same time.
He was an early archaeologist
He had the bones of a mastodon, an animal from 40 million years ago that looked a bit like an elephant, sent to him at the White House.
He loved books
In 1815, the Library of Congress was restocked — with Jefferson's 6,487 books.
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He loved to write letters
Jefferson wrote about 19,000 letters during his lifetime
He loved vanilla ice cream
He probably first tasted ice cream while traveling in France. He brought home a recipe for it, which is now in the Library of Congress
He kept pet mockingbirds
He loved their singing and often had at least four at a time. His favorite bird was named Dick.
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Thanks for your attention
Margarita Smetanina 11B
- 2013 -
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