Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10)


Слайд #1

Canada Capital OttawaOfficial languages English and FrenchPopulation 34.000.000
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #1

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Coat of Arms of Canada
Flag of Canada
Anthem of Canada
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #2

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The Supreme Court
Parliament Hill
Queen Elizabeth II
Constitution monarchy
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #3

Слайд #4

The education system in Canada depends on the province and includes 6-8 years of primary school , 4-5 years in high school and 3-4 years at university.
Unlike other developed countries , Canada has no national system of education: according to the constitution , each province itself has been in question. Each provincial education system reflects religion, history and culture of this province. Provincial heads of education departments headed by elected Minister set standards approve items and funding educational organizations . Responsibility for the management of primary and secondary schools assigned to local elected school boards or commissions . Council plans school budgets, hiring teachers and school schedule set in accordance with provincial legislation.
The federal government provides financial support to higher education and the teaching of the country's two official languages ​​- English and French. It is also responsible for the education of Alaska Canadian military and their families , prisoners. In general , the federal government spends about 20% of the country's annual spending on education.
The education system in Canada has always had to take into account the cultural diversity of the population. Over 70 ethnic groups speaking 60 languages ​​of the country . In many schools, students are more than 20 separate ethnic and cultural groups. In Toronto and Vancouver, more than half of public school students speak other languages ​​( other than English or French ). Mother tongues are taught in many parts of the country . In some provinces such classes are organized directly in the schools. Various projects funded from the federal budget, intended to implement unconventional approach to teaching native languages ​​.
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #4

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University of Ottawa
Saint Paul University
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #5

Слайд #6

Among the cultural events to celebrate Canada's Shakespeare Festival in Ontario, Canadian culture festival in Ottawa, International Festival of festivals and international jazz and film festivals, as well as Sherbrukskyy "Festival de Canton" in Quebec, which represented the culture and cuisine of French Canadian, Ukrainian Festival in Dauphin, "discovery Day" in Dawson, which celebrated opening in 1896, the gold deposits, in Ellounayf - Carib festival, in Kempbeltoni - Losev festival.
Most Popular Sports in Canada - hockey, baseball, football, basketball, skiing, tennis and golf. First game of hockey were held in Montreal in 1873. National Hockey League (NHL) was established in Montreal in 1905, originally consisted mainly of Canadian teams. Despite the fact that today most American NHL teams, many Canadian hockey players play in teams that are part of the NHL.
Among the sporting events in Canada should be noted of race "Formula 1" in Montreal. In Calgary made ​​widely known annual rodeo.
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #6

Слайд #7

National parks and museums
The Canadian government has established more than 100 national parks and historic sites in honor of the people and events that have enriched the country's history. Provincial governments also have the right to set their parks.
Canada's 37 national parks are scattered throughout the country. Banff is located on the eastern slope of the massif Rocky Mountains in Alberta, is the oldest national park. It was founded in 1885. Vuntut National Park, located in northern Yukon, founded in 1993.
In Canada, more than 2,000 museums.
Prestigious: Canadian Museum of Civilization in Hull, Ottawa - Canadian Museum of Nature, National Science and Technology Museum, National Gallery of Canada, which presents exhibits of European art, is one of the richest collections of Asian art.
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Слайд #8

Downtown Ottawa
The Rideau Canal
Byward Market
Museum of civilization
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #8

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The Horseshoe Falls in Niagara
Moraine Lake in Alberta's Banff
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #9

Слайд #10

The end
Презентація на тему «Canada» (варіант 10) - Слайд #10