The World Wide Web Підготувала учениця групи ОС-6-13 Руденко Софі-Мері
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Network - system of the interconnected computers The World Wide Web - this is the system (network) of documents, connected together with hyper-references.
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Web - page this is each various document the having its own address. It can contain the most different the information: text; drawing; sound.
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Web - server this is computer, on which it works the server- program WWW.
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Web - site this is the totality of those interconnected pages. Web- site is organized on the Web- server of the provider net services.
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Web - browser this is the client- program WWW. Word «browser» - the reviewer. Programs of this type: Netscape Navigator the company Netscape Communications; Internet Explorer the company Microsoft.
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Protocol HTTP this is the protocol, which is used by the service WWW (HiperText Transfer Protocol - the protocol of the transfer the hyper-text). Designation: working the hyper-references; the search for the documents; the transfer of documents to the client.
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WORLD WIDE WEB Structural constituting Web- page Web-site HTML-file URL-address Owner of site Main page Technology is “client - server” it realizes through Web - server, Web - client, protocol НТТР Web – browser – client- program WWW
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Hyper-reference - is a key word or in a document, which is associated with pointer to move to another page in the "web". The text, which uses hyperlinks, called hypertext.