Презентація на тему «The educational system of Germany»


Слайд #1

The educational system of Germany
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Слайд #2

Germany is the centre of Europe. Here is a very ancient tradition of education: the oldest University in existence since 1386 .
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Слайд #3

University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Baden- Wurttemberg, Germany
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Слайд #4

The German system of education:
Elementary school
Average school
High school
School education is divided into two stages:
Primary school
Secondary school
The school system across the country designed for 12-13 years.
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Слайд #5

It is mandatory 9 -year education - is universal and free.
With 6 years of children go to primary school, where 4-6 classes.
Future profession is chosen in elementary school .
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Слайд #6

Types of secondary schools in Germany
Gymnasium (The most prestigious form of high school. School has a humanitarian orientation. Duration of training - 9 years ( 5-13 classes). Diploma gymnasium gives the opportunity to enroll in the University without entrance exams.)
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Слайд #7

2. Basic school (This type of school is designed for children who do not plan to pursue higher education. Here are preparing for professional work. Training is the weakest children.)
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Слайд #8

3. Professional school (For kids who want to get a working specialty. Do not plan to enroll in a higher education institution.)
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Слайд #9

4. Real school (Duration of training - 6 years. Designed for children with average achievers. After the school can continue their education in Gymnasium. Or go to work in the specialty.)
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Слайд #10

5. Joint school (A mixture of school and real school. Here and get a humanitarian education and technical. Then you can easily go to University.)
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Слайд #11

Original title in German
2. Hauptschule
3. Professionalschule
4. Realschule
5. Gesamtschule
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Слайд #12

Most popular universities in Germany (Original title ):
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Universität Leipzig
Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Freie Universität
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Слайд #13

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