Слайд #7
Vanity Fair a Novel Without a Hero
Becky becomes governess to the children of Sir Pitt Crawley. She is already married, to his younger son Rawdon.
Amelia's engagement to George Osborne, the handsome but vain and shallow son of another magnate, has been broken off. William Dobbin is secretly in love with Amelia, but he persuades George to go on with the marriage.
Amelia and Becky accompany their husbands to Belgium, where Becky carries on an intrigue with George. George is killed at Waterloo, and Amelia, with her baby, goes to live in poverty with her parents. Dobbin was despairing of ever winning Amelia's love.
Becky leads a disreputable life.
Amelia steadfastly refuses to marry Dobbin until meeting Becky, who tells her of George's infidelity. Disillusioned, she marries Dobbin, but by then his love for her has lost much of its intensity.