Презентація на тему «8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow»


Слайд #1

8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow
Презентація на тему «8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow» - Слайд #1

Слайд #2

In today's fast paced world it is easy to forget some of the common courtesies that should be basic and non-negotiable. Unfortunately many people appear to have forgotten the manners that were taught to them by their parents and grandparents and sadly, others do not appear to have ever been taught any manners at all.
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Слайд #3

Outlined below are protocols that will help to refine the social graces and improve the impression that others have of you.
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Слайд #4

Basic Politeness
Showing politeness is not difficult. It is simple to say "please", "thank you", "you are welcome", and "excuse me". These phrases show that a person is considerate of others. Even if someone is rude, and not your favorite person it is better to be polite to them rather than sinking to their level.
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Слайд #5

Men, Remove Your Hat Indoors.
Most young men of today do not even seem to be aware of the fact that it is considered rude to wear a hat (mostly ball caps these days) indoors. Gentlemen, when you enter a building please remove hats and caps.
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Слайд #6

Hold That Door
This is a rule that does not just apply to men anymore. Yes, men should still hold the door for ladies and allow them to enter or exit first, but ladies are not exempt from holding the door for their elders or someone who might have their hands full. And while it might seem an outdated notion, nothing says "gentleman" like going around to the passenger side to open the car door for a lady.
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Слайд #7

Be On Time
There is nothing worse than to be kept waiting and if you are the offending party who is late, it is just rude. If you tend to always run late set your clocks ahead 10 or 15 minutes so that you will arrive on time.
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Слайд #8

Do Not Groom Yourself In Public.
Ladies, it is okay to quickly and discretely apply a little lipstick without using a mirror. It is not, however, okay to pull out a compact, and a suitcase full of cosmetics and start redoing your face. Also, please refrain from clipping and filing your nails in public. This is unbelievably crude
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Слайд #9

Keep Gum Chewing To A Minimum.
If you must chew gum for a legitimate reason such as having bad breath or dry mouth, try to do it in your car between stops. If it is absolutely necessary to chew gum in a public place, please do not smack it, chomp it, o blow bubbles with it.
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Слайд #10

Turn The Ringer Off.
When entering any public establishment the first thing you should do is set your cell phone to vibrate. Remember you do not have to answer every call, that is what voice mail is for. If you know that it is a call of importance, excuse yourself and move to the lobby or another room to take the call. Keep the call time short and let your caller know that you will return their call at your earliest convenience.
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Слайд #11

Keep The Conversation Polite.
When engaging in conversation, whether it is at work, or in a more social setting, never bring up money, religion, or politics. These subjects are a powder keg waiting to explode, and while we are on the subject of exploding, please refrain from speaking loudly, yelling, or using profanity.
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Слайд #12

Simply put, good manners are a sign that you have consideration for others and extending these common courtesies shows that you have class and good breeding.
Презентація на тему «8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow» - Слайд #12

Слайд #13

А project was prepared Т.Denysova and L.Samchuk
Презентація на тему «8 Basic Etiquette Rules that Everyone Should Follow» - Слайд #13