Презентація на тему «Interesting Earthquake Facts»


Слайд #1

Interesting Earthquake Facts
Olga Gavrulyuik, 10-B
Презентація на тему «Interesting Earthquake Facts» - Слайд #1

Слайд #2

Pacific Ring of Fire
Most earthquakes happen along the edges of Earth's big plates.
4 out of 5 of the world's earthquakes take place along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, a zone called the Pacific Ring of Fire.
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Слайд #3

Small earthquakes
Sometimes there are many small earthquakes before the big one. These small ones are called foreshocks. After the big earthquake, the mainshock, again there may be many small quakes. These are called aftershocks. Aftershocks can follow an earthquake on and off for days or weeks.
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Слайд #4

The Duration
An earthquake can last for just a few short seconds or go on for several long minutes.
Most Earthquakes last a minute or less.
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Слайд #5

Many earthquakes happen on the ocean floor. Big ocean waves can form after a quake resulting in a tsunami.
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Слайд #6

The shaking of the ground is not what kills most victims of earthquakes. The main killers in earthquakes are falling buildings, fires, landslides, avalanches and tsunamis.
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Слайд #7

The deadliest quake
The deadliest known quake in history shook China in 1556, taking about 830,000 lives.
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Слайд #8

Volcanic eruption
An earthquake can trigger a volcano to erupt.
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Слайд #9

Several earthquakes
Each year, there are about a million earthquakes around the world. But only about 100 of these cause serious damage.
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Слайд #10

Thank you for your attention!
An earthquake happens somewhere in the world once every thirty seconds.
You may not notice a magnitude 2 quake.
You would feel the ground shake in a magnitude 3 quake.
A magnitude 7 or higher can destroy a city.
The largest recorded earthquake was a 9.5 quake in Chile in 1960.
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